WooCommerce Affiliate Plugin with Product Level Commissioning


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For iDevAffiliate 8+ Users

While we’ve been integrating with WooCommerce for many years now, we have recently improved the integration by creating an official plugin. This means no more editing the existing WooCommerce file with iDevAffiliate code. Everything is done directly in your WordPress admin center now. Coupon code commissioning has always been supported for WooCommerce but now with this plugin per-product commissioning is supported as well, right “out of the box” – no custom programming needed!


There are two different WooCommerce plugins available. One for regular purchases made with WooCommerce and one for WooCommerce Subscriptions. See below to learn which you should be installing.

Integration Instructions

1. Download iDevAffiliate Plugin for WooCommerce

2. Enable WooCommerce in your Shopping Cart Integration Wizard – found in your iDevAffiliate admin center.

3. Login to WordPress and go to Plugins. Use the plugin (downloaded above) to complete the install.


4. In WordPress, go to WooCommerce -> Settings then click on the Integrations tab. There you can enter your iDevAffiliate Installation URL.


You’re all done integrating iDevAffiliate with WooCommerce.

Special Note

When using Coupon Code Commissioning along with Per-Product Commissioning, you have multiple commission rates defined. One for the coupon code and one for each product. When both are used together, the coupon code takes priority and will trump per-product commissioning.

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